Back Massage
Back, neck and shoulder massage. Using Swedish body massage movements to gently ease away tension in the back neck and shoulders.
- 30 Minutes £35.00
Body Massage
Ease away tension and loosen tight muscles with Swedish massage on the back, neck, shoulders and legs.
- 45 mins £50.00
Full Body Massage
A full Swedish body massage taking extra care to promote total relaxation and wellbeing. Using infra-red heat where needed to give total relaxation.
- 60 Minutes £70.00
Luxury Lava Shell Massage
The warmth of the Lava Shells allows deep relaxation in this bespoke massage treatment. Working on pressure points and tension areas to ease stress and stiffness, delivering an intense and powerful massage.

- Lava Shell Back Massage - 30 Minutes £45.00
- Lava Shell Full Body Massage - 60 Minutes £75.00